Sunday, November 28, 2010


Dear Teen Vogue,
when i first started buying your magazines, i was 12 years old. I was checking out at wal mart with my Dad and i saw Emma Watson on the cover of your magazine, the photo was lovely and so naturally i bought it. But i remember i re-read that magazine every day for about 3 months, i cut things out and put them on my walls, i scoured each and every line of each and every story. After reading your magazine, i became truly interested in fashion. It wasn't a teeny bopper magazine full of people you see on tv every day. It was filled with real women of the fashion industry but you always featured a worthwhile actress, model, or musician who had actual talent, style, and wasn't annoyingly famous.
BUT, for a while you've been going downhill. Articles were written about bullying or friend stealing that i could have written in my sleep and that were honestly boring. Every month became extremely similar, and overall you're magazine had become blah.
I tried to ignore it, but then BAM. When i went to my mail box to get my Teen Vogue...i saw Miley Cyrus on the cover. I was shocked. Really Teen Vogue? Really? What relevence has she to the fashion industry at all? But then... Justin Bieber, Zach Efron, Vanessa Hudgens, Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato.
That's it. I'm canceling my subscription.
And it would be just fine if you're stories were new and exciting, written by talented journalists.
But they aren't.
Oh, but hey. At least i can visit your online website to get the "latest fashion news" HAH.
If i wanted to read about which disney channel star is dating who, then i would read "J-14" or "Twist" which are actually aimed at 13 year olds.
I thought that Teen Vogue was a different sort of magazine, aimed at the fashion inclined teenager who wants to know more, a magazine that wouldnt resort to putting Disney Stars on the cover. I thought wrong.

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