Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Comforts of Tea, Cake, and Good Company.

I was mentally drained. 3 tests, a disgusting school lunch, then yearbook. The little pesty new staff members, i know i should be showing the runts what to do..but they should know by now. It was deadline today, we were supposed to send in the first 60 pages, we all knew THAT wasn't going to happen. So i just sat, i sat there at the apple..sipped my tea and edited. I edited the boring, melencholy, snore indusing yearbook stories. I rubbed my urban decay covered eyes, and pulled back my too long hair. Then a thought popped into my mind. I wanted cake. CAKE. see i didn't cake from Wal Mart, not even cake from Ricks Bakery. No..i wanted cake from Laduree, cake from Magnolia Bakery, cake from the Farm Shop in Harborough, cake from any where but here. I suddenly wanted to write about cake, about the sweet, sometimes gooey icing, that even the slightest contact with your mouth would send tingles through the senses..then that first bite..the one that you have to close your eyes for and without knowing it, smile like a fool. Followed by the rich and tutti center filling (strawberry jam preferably) sandwhiched between the vanilla sponge. I then snapped back to reality and found my staffers ogleing at me, their editor who was licking her lips slightly and clasping my tea while staring out at the snow. Being the impatient editor, i let slammed down my tea and let each of them know how boring their writing was. I then proceeded to slip on my navy pea coat, grabbed my laptop and bag, and stormed out in my favorite shoes. Scarcely saying goodbye to any friends, i fiercly climbed into my black volkswagon beetle and drove to the local grocery store. I was on a cake hunt.
I tore down the ailes. Looking for the perfect cake, but my town there was just NOT what I was looking for. I was about to give up and settle for a bar of chocolate (not so hard to do) when i got the bright idea of making my own cake! So i gathered the sugar, flour, eggs, strawberries, chocolate, milk, and butter and sped home.
Once there, i snapped open my phone and called my closest girl friends to chill at my house. I got the ingredients ready, set out some chocolate covered pretzels, and started up the Christmas music. It was go time.
My friends let themselves in and the baking began!
We beat and we mixed then we poured and we cracked then we spread and we covered then we shoved it in the oven.
Although all us girls were tired and stressed, we still had the energy to dance around my living room singing christmas music and we slowly, finally began to feel the stress float off of our shoulders.
The cake was fini!
We all ran into the kitchen, slipping in our socks against the polished wooden floors.
I slipped on my mothers oven gloves, and slowly, suspensfully, opened the oven door.
The sweet, mouth watering smell of a sugary cake wafted over our faces and a sigh let out. Success.

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